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Hutagalung, Stimson and Rumbay, Christar and Ferinia, Rolyana (2022) Islam Nusantara: An integration opportunity between Christianity and culture in Indonesia. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies, 78 (4): 33. ISSN 2072-8050
Hutagalung, Stimson and Rumbay, Christar and Ferinia, Rolyana (2022) Islam Nusantara: An integration opportunity between Christianity and culture in Indonesia. Technical Report. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies.
Simbolon, Mangadar and Triwahyuni, Palupi and Simbolon, Charissa Angie Victorine (2023) Religious Coping of Theology Students. In: 10th International Scholars' Conference. AUP Research Office, Philippines, pp. 1172-1178.